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Is it compatible with tile resolutions higher then 48x48?

In first person mode (90 degree turns), when I turn, all of the light sources (lamp, event flashlight, etc) visibly move, e.g. when you turn to the left they move slightly to the right of where they're supposed to be, and when you turn backtow3ard them, they jump back to the intended placement. Is there a way to prevent this? It's kind of jarring.


It's probably because of the "dynamic offset" that sprite shapes have. try giving them <mv3d:doff(0)>

(1 edit)

Thanks for the quick response! It worked great.


Hi, assuming you just want the camera tilt, but no actual 3D effects, how would you do that?

A bug occurs when a texture is applied to only one side of a square in a .glb file. However, it displays correctly in an .obj file.

Hello. If I want this map to be in its default state without using 3D. How can I make a note?

the Odie's video sold me on this plugin and im loving it. 

How do you control the height of the celing?

Hi! This plugin works great, except for one issue I've been having. For some reason, it's messing with the textures. Sorry if this has already been asked

(3 edits)

Hey there! love the plugin, and I have few questions: Is there a way to limit (but not fully turn off) camera's pitch with mouse control? Player sprites looks a bit wired when viewed from top. Also is the mouse camera option not working properly in the newest version? I get error messages every time so I switched to the previous version. Anyways, thanks for making the plugin!


Yeah it seems like there's still a bug with the mouse lock feature so I'll have to make another patch.

To set the camera's pitch range you can change mv3d.blendCameraPitch.min and mv3d.blendCameraPitch.max, just keep in mind that any changes to those values won't be saved with the save file.

Thank you so much for your reply! I was gonna ask how but clueless me figured it out on my own!!
Thank you so much for the help and for making this plugin!

Hello, I'm having the same issue with a commenter below, trying to use mouse control for the camera shows the error message "typeerror cannot read property 'catch' of undefined", posing an image from my project, but it also shows up in the demo

Hey there! I had the same problem and decided to rollback to older version, turns out version 9.1.2 works properly with mouse.

Hi! i just wanted to ask if theres anyway to stop events rotating towards you for example a chest, especially if your in first person mode.


When you interact with the event or just the regular rotating towards the camera?
To make it not turn when interacting you need direction fix on. To prevent it from rotating towards the camera you need to give it a different shape, like <mv3d:shape(wall)>, for example.


Thank you so much for fixing the sprite flickering bug!! That let me upgrade from 9.0 now with a decent performance boost. Keep it up!


hello im begging you to allow me to use a 3D model for the playable characters. Also, do you support any 3d sprites yet? I dont want to sound like a dick but this is kind of vital to any serious project

You can use 3d models for player characters. For animated characters they need to be glb or gltf format. The configuration is the same as adding models to events, just in the actor note tag instead


I have encountered a very serious problem, which was not fixed in version of mv3d. Starting from version, when I used the mouse to control the perspective, an error message "typeerror cannot read property 'catch' of undefined" appeared


I'll look into it, thanks for letting me know

Deleted 306 days ago

Ask itch to give you a refund if you'd like.
Adding walls is easy by the way, just use A3/A4 tiles or use regions. The plugin requires a bit of configuration to do anything complicated, but adding walls is one of the things it does without any configuration. There's also a free version you could have tried before paying for it.


hey man I'm sorry, the plugin is actually really really good I just lost my temper back there, figured it out by now sorry!

the wiki isn't working because it's hosted on glitch which has a limited number of hours per project.

i'm currently using anold version of the docs from the wayback machine though they are incomplete and unorganized !!

come may and the refresh of the project i'll put the current pages on wayback machine, but i ask that you please host the docs at least on github, that way they can always be seen


Website should be back up now, sorry about that

Hi, I think the wiki isn't working, thought I should notify.

Is it possible to make it so that camera rotation is controlled by the arrow keys and not AD? I want to use AD for only strafing but I want to turn the camera using only the arrow keys. No matter what settings I try, both AD and left/right end up having the same function.

only slightly related, but the wiki doesn't seem to work for me. ost of the time it gives me a 503 first bite error, and sometimes i get the message "project waking up", but it also times out into a 503.

(1 edit)

Same :(

(1 edit)
Can someone help me? I wanted my character when he walked
 forward to follow the camera, but I turned the camera and  
the character walked in the same original direction, instead 
of changing direction based on the camera's rotation.   
 It's more or less like this, I press forward and he moves 
forward, If I turn to the right and he walks in the same 
direction as before.  
even if the camera is facing backwards, 
it walks in the same original direction,  instead of turning 
towards where the camera is looking.
like this

Hay, I know this is a strange ask, but is it possible/something you plan to add a VR mode? I would like to add it to my current game so if you have a VR headset on, it will auto-enter First Person and turn on VR mode. I can't find any plugins that do this and wanted to try asking.


This is actually something I'm planning, no ETA yet though as it isn't a priority for me right now unfortunately.


Thank you, I'll keep an eye out for it!

I'm having some trouble with lights not displaying properly or flickering on and off when I walk to and from certain spots. Is there something I can do to alleviate this?


Hey I have a question and I was hoping someone could help me figure this out. I've been given the impression that this plugin supports using 3D models, I have found one website with very limited resources. 

So, can MV3D use 3D models and if so, what kind? Does anyone recommend software for modeling? Or perhaps links to more 3D resources for the the plugin? 


MV3D supports obj and gltf models. I reccomend blender.

hi, is not available for RPGM-XP?


it isn't, but you could try H-mode7 or other mode7 scripts to make a 3D-looking game.

hi , just paid. when i use mv3d disable mv3d enable as a plugin command in the paid versions i get this error..

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'uniqueId')     at Object.unHighlightMesh (feature-highlight.js:40:46)     at Object.disposeHighlightMesh (feature-highlight.js:56:14)     at Object.disposeCharacter (feature-highlight.js:97:14)     at mv3d.callFeature (features.js:9:3)     at mv3d.callFeatures (features.js:15:8)     at Character.dispose (characters.js:1430:3)     at Character.update (characters.js:1015:9)     at Object.updateCharacters (characters.js:43:23)     at Object.update (main.js:95:8)     at Scene_Map.update (mod_mv.js:19:8) SceneManager.catchException @ rpg_managers.js:1949

I have the camera distance set to 0 and it looks like the player is looking at their feet. When I press PgUp then the camera looks nice. Is there a way to make it start with this setting?

Need to adjust the pitch.

Hi, trying to figure out how to lock the Camera Angle so that when the Player moves the Camera stays still. Like an old school Resident Evil/ Silent Hill type game.

You would need to move the camera target to another location with the camera target command (have it target an event instead of the player) and disable camera control for the player.

Would it be possible to make the POV into first person perspective? I am making a doom-like game so if this is possible it would help me greatly.

yes it's possible

Set the camera distance to "0" and the game will be in first person.

When I create a moutain, the slopes that are 3 and 4 high, that are faceing NORTHEAST and NORTHWEST are turned 180 the wrong way. They face outward from the slope and not inward. Is there a solution for this ? Am using plugin

Thank you for a fantastic plugin.

People who use the MV3D and MZ3D plugin, what are the best paid and free tilesets to use? Which one is prettier in your opinion?

Is the plugin compatible with parallax? I want to create my own maps and use 3D, will it be good?

interesting, but the game is too heavy with it?

 By purchasing the MZ/MV version do I have access to all future updates?

very cool, and is there a way to turn off the plugin on specific maps? on a map I want to use the 2d platform plugin


Hello, is there any way to disable 3d rendering with a command and play the game in 2d and then when I want to activate it again I trigger a command to stay in 3d? I used mv3d disable but whenever I change the map it goes back to 3d, I wanted something like it was on/off regardless of whether the map changes 😅


I would like to inquire, if I have purchased your project, does that mean I can use this plugin in my commercial game? I apologize for not seeing the terms of use. Also, my English is not very good, so I apologize for any awkward phrasing or terms that may seem impolite.

If you paid for it you can, apparently:

(1 edit) (+1)

Nice plugin! I'm learning some things on it while playing with it. I'm using the free version. What are your terms for non-commercial use and commercial use? I've been trying to find it but can't. Also, your Discard link is broken. 


I seen that MZ3D can be used commercially when bought. Does this apply to the MV version as well?

how do I set it to only allow turning with the mouse

I think the base of MVs program will only allow movement on the keyboard or a controler.

(1 edit) (-1)

no mouse works i used this with mouse too BUT would make it easier to walk with  awsd 

but no, mouse use is included with MV Base 


Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I just published a small escape game made with your plug-in: Thank you for the great work :)

Not to usurp your page, but I published another game using your plug-in (available here: The possibilities with your plug-in amaze me, so again thank you for this inspiration :)

Hello! Great plugin! I have a question: is it possible to use 3D animations. For example, I have a rigged character walking animation, is there a way to load it?

After some digging into the code and examples, I found the solution ;) In case someone is looking for the same, if I understood right, what you need to name the animations in the model walk, swimMove, swim, sit, run, jump, idle, fidget and fall, and when you import the model to an event set the adequate movement route, the animations should start automatically.

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